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Types of Abuse gives definitions of different forms of abuse, from physical violence (battery) through to Financial Abuse, together with examples of each kind. It also covers aspects such as threats, marital rape and isolation. A good starting point for anyone either seeking general information on abuse or victims confused about what is happening to them and needing to know whether their experiences really are abuse. The Victim covers some of the main myths and facts surrounding abuse, looks at why we stay in abusive relationships, offers advice for those trying to understand and support abuse victims, gives an insight into some of the characteristics abused people tend to display and offers suggestions both on leaving safely and how to get through the day once one has left. The Abuser looks at how an abusive relationship works (the dynamics of abuse) and offers a pictoral idea of how central the concepts of power and control in abuse. The characteristics or warning signs of an abusive personality are also to be found in this section. Also included is a page on where to get help if you think you may be abusive towards your partner. Children and DV takes a brief look at the effects on children living in a home where abuse takes place. Hidden Hurt does NOT deal with child abuse which is specifically directed towards children (there are loads of sites which deal with this very serious topic very well already), but simply their perception of and involvement in Domestic Violence where the abuse is directed mainly at their main caregiver. Further information includes Contact related issues (UK) and Family Court Guidelines, further reading and links. Articles. This section is for all those articles which don't really fit into any of the other sections or could be in several of them! Topics range from Emotional Boundaries in relationships, through Post-Traumatic Stress Syndrome and dissociation, to the difference in being a Victim or a Survivor and Marital Rape. |
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Personal Stories is the most personal part of Hidden Hurt. This is the place for survivors to share their experiences and feelings, poetry and anything else which related to either living with abuse or the journey of healing and recovery. Please take care while browsing this part of Hidden Hurt, as some of the stories can be triggering. The Message Forum is a lively and supportive message board for victims, survivors, both male and female, and those wanting to know how to help friends or family being abused. The Forum is a US/UK joint effort, moderated by survivors. You DO NOT need to give any personal details to participate, and you are very welcome simply to browse and read the messages. Religion and Abuse tries to deal with some of the issues facing Christian victims and survivors of abuse and includes articles on Biblical Equality, forgiveness, guidelines for Pastors and Rabbis, and also looks at what the Bible has to say on the issues of violence and abuse. If you can offer a spiritual or religious perspective from a different faith, please contact us! Resources. This is the section to visit if you are looking for books to read, need to know whether there is someone you can call to speak to about your situation or options, if you would like to follow a link to more DV related sites or gain a better understanding of a particular aspect of abuse. Research is your opportunity to help me to improve Hidden Hurt! Fill in the Questionnaire or send me your thoughts on on some of the issues. Hidden Hurt is here for YOU, let me know what you would like to read about, what would further help! |
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