Hidden Hurt Domestic Abuse Information

letting go

by Stacia
(South Africa)

Letting go of the hope, of the distorted 'us', the shame, the hurt, the anger and fear. We never may truly get over the fear and hurt but somehow we must let go of something that was toxic to us. It is now about you, you need to let go of the poison that was trying to kill/destroy you.

Admin: Very good point Stacia. I like how you mention about letting go of the hope and all that was toxic to us. But I often also think of the dreams we had to look forward to, and then had to also let go. Those, for me, have been some of the more difficult to face up to saying good-bye to.

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Sep 20, 2015
What didn't kill me, has definetly made me strongerđź’•
by: Andy Catalan

Your new point of view is a fresh breath of air.

It's a new door that has opened, and just like the saying goes, sometimes it works in a vise versa kind of way. That new door opened only to shut the old door.

We cannot be saviors to anyone but ourselves. In any toxic relationship, we loose our identities as individuals. Letting go is like dropping all the dead weight that kept us from doing 'us'. And notice that that dead weight is 100% 'their' weight, not ours. Letting go is cutting these chains that day in, day out were so hard to carry. Once the weight is removed, we can almost soar through anything. I say soar because of how strong we really are to have carried such weight; A weight that a normal relationship never had to endure.

Sep 24, 2014
walking away
by: Anonymous

I really liked your comments and I can totally relate to it. I still struggle with giving up on the hope I used to have- that he would sort himself and be the person I longed him to be. Instead I made myself into the person I used to fantasize about- the woman strong enough to walk away from all of his crap!!!
Hoping that things are better for you now xx

Apr 06, 2014
by: Stacia

You are right. I still am trying to let go of the dreams I discussed with him. It may be important to try set new dreams or goals, to replace what was doomed to failure no matter how hard we would've trued.

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