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Keep focussed on what matter, the baby, and being a survivor

by sophie

Baby sleeping peacefully makes it worth while

Baby sleeping peacefully makes it worth while

My baby got me though it.

It is a year ago and I have been through the Crown Court - still going through the Family Court but I'm a Surviver and I'll keep my toddler safe from my ex.

But the best tip I can give is stay to stay focus sed:
- go to group thereapy sessions
- stay close to your true friends and family.

You can get thought this.

They (the abusers) want you too fail and fall and make sure your life will be sad and nasty, but try to become the opposite. Somebody who succeeds and goes out and has a good life and support her children and brings them up well!

YOU are a SURVIVOR - remember that always!

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Dec 25, 2014
My Sleeping Lil Girl too
by: Anonymous

I also watch my little one sleep now, without any fear or worry if she will see her mommy the next morning. Both my 3yr old & 6 yr old can now go to bed without hearing the man of the house yelling and irrational actions. Yes, we are no longer in the home of our own with all their toys & clothing, but at the end of the day they still smile and laugh hundreds of miles away. We, survivors have the right to smile and feel worthy when the sun comes out. We have the right to be the greatest mommies for our children. Thanks for sharing your little angel sleeping.

Dec 22, 2014
Thanks you Sophie
by: Lindsey

Thank you Sophie because you pointed out to so many of us that so many of us do just manage to keep going and get through all sorts of difficulties, including court hearings and all the stresses that go with it, and we do it, not just because we want and need to be free for ourselves, but because we have little ones, like that sleeping baby, who NEED us to keep going and look after ourselves and to be a good parent to them - even, and maybe more especcially when the other parent would harm them psychologically and or physically as they grew up.

Thanks again :)
An all the best for having come out of your ordeal as a survivor, not a quibbling wreck in the corner which is no doubt what he was hoping for!

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