Hidden Hurt Domestic Abuse Information

I've stopped contact... He hasn't

by Anon

I left my abusive partner 18 months ago and stopped contact - declined to talk to him or respond after about 3 months.

After this I started receiving messages from an unknown number talking to me like a friend but I wasn't sure. He then showed up at my work and I refused to come out ... he left after about 2 hours, about 6 months later I found out he knew where I was living because he sent me a picture of my apartment building. I have never blocked his number so I can be prepared if he was to ever do this again and have since moved, however I get intermittent months of silence and then every weekend receive drunken phone calls from him which I ignore and he leaves drunken 'love you' voicemails which I do not respond to. They leave me with an all be it twisted sense of enpowerment because now I'm not feeling as much like the pathetic one!

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Sep 18, 2016
Hidden Hurt Moderator
by: Lindsey

Dear Anon,

I would report all contact to the police and request a non-molestation order from them too. What he is basically doing is talking you and letting you know that he still has some control - he knows where you work, your number even your home. That is creepy. My advice would be to take all the evidence you have and all your experience to the police and state that given that you have escaped from a domestic violence relationship, that you feel further intimidated by his continued messaging and turning up. See how they can help you,

All the best

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