Hidden Hurt Domestic Abuse Information

Financial Abuse

Financial abuse can take many forms, from denying you all access to funds, to making you solely responsible for all finances while handling money irresponsibly him or herself.

Money becomes a tool by which the abuser can further control the victim, ensuring either your financial dependence, or shifting the responsibility of keeping a roof over the family's head onto you while simultaneously denying your ability to do so or obstructing you.

Financial abuse can include the following:

  • preventing you from getting or keeping a job
  • denying you sufficient housekeeping
  • having to account for every penny spent
  • denying access to cheque book/account/finances
  • putting all bills in your name
  • demanding your paychecks
  • spending money allocated to bills/groceries on himself
  • forcing you to beg or commit crimes for money
  • spending Child Benefit on himself
  • not permitting you to spend available funds on yourself or children

Many survivors of abuse with children have reported that financial abuse has been an ongoing problem since they left their abuser, with refusal to pay regular child maintenance the most common mentioned aspect.

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What Other Visitors Have Said

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I have been living with my partner for two years, before I meet I had money on my credit card and bank account: he used all of that and now he denies doing …

My husband gradually took control of our finances. It took years and very clever organisation. He hid bank letters and any other mail relating to financial …

Abuse of older women after a lifetime of hard work 
I gave up my career after my children were born. Childcare was expensive and unreliable and daycare would take one child but not two. My husband bragged …

Financial abuse even after divorce 
My current partner's former wife is an extremely toxic individual. Now that they are apart, she uses various tactics to continue her reign of terror. …

Lack of Money Not rated yet
There always seems a lack of money. She is never satisfied with what I provide. There is never enough money. No matter how much there it's never enough. …

Suffering 2 Not rated yet
I have previously written another article about my partner, about financial abuse. He also physically abuse me, in many occasion I been to the doctor:: …

Certified Child and Family advocate Not rated yet
Thank You for your interest in financial abuse. I had had a long time partner who had lived in my home with me. My home had been paid off and I had …

Withholding money after an Argument Not rated yet
I suffered all of the forms of financial abuse mentioned in the page on financial abuse. But as well as those mentioned, he would withhold money for …

Stuck in Poverty Not rated yet
I feel as though throughout my whole marriage I was stuck in poverty, My husband frequently quit jobs, or took farming or part time jobs, earning little …

Using money for drugs Not rated yet
She would use the household income to buy drugs every day. I would have to struggle to pay bills such as rent, heating and food. It was always.."I want …

Accused of Hiding Money Not rated yet
Another form of financial abuse I suffered was constantly being accused of hiding money. At that time, I was the one working, not him. And money WOULD …

Other forms of financial abuse Not rated yet
Other forms of financial abuse that I encountered included: - denial of access funds, - having to ask for funds and explain the reason the funds …

Been there Not rated yet
Obfuscation When it is time to budget, pay a bill etc., he creates a situation that devastatingly puts the other down, so they no longer remember the …

Financial Abuse Not rated yet
I am in a relationship where my partner constantly puts me down verbally stating that I don't have a job, he is tired of supporting me, I should be set …

"The Money Stalker" Not rated yet
My husband would call or text me or even tell me at the end of his work day once he got home: "I see you have been to Taco Bell", or some other place I …

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