Hidden Hurt Domestic Abuse Information

Personal Domestic Abuse Stories

Written by surivivors, these domestic abuse stories offer hope for a better life, for freedom from abusive relationships. Please also send us your domestic violence stories for inclusion, as all peronsal abuse stories help current victims and survivors to feel validated and find peace and in many cases - answers too!

This page is devoted to all the wonderful brave people who have shared their domestic violence stories, feelings and experiences to help others.

These survivors had the strength to live through the Hell which is Domestic Abuse, the strength to fight it and break free, and are willing to help others in similar situations to realise that there is light at the end of the tunnel, there is hope and there is freedom.

If you would like your story included on this page, please send it to me at contact@hiddenhurt.co.uk. Thank you.

Please also note that unless otherwise specified, any poem, story or other writing for publication on Hidden Hurt may also be reproduced in Kindle e-book format or hard copy at some stage. Unless you specifically specify otherwise, copyright will be assumed by Hidden Hurt.

You can find more Domestic Violence Stories on the first Stories page.

Erin's Child Abuse and Domestic Violence Story - "The marks on my body are gone but in my dreams I feel them all over again. I've always told everyone, I wouldn't even wish anything like this, the child abuse, the disrupted childhood, the domestic violence relationships, to happen to anyone, not even my worst enemy. "
Marla Ja's Domestic Violence Story - After 20 years of silence Marla Jo's is finally ready to tell her Domestic violence story. Not just that, but to stand up as an advocate for ALL abused women all over the world. This is her domestic violence story and her plea to other victims to take action together.
Lilian's Domestic Violence Story - Lilian's Domestic Violence Story is a bit different from many of the other stories of domestic violence, because she did not actually at any point live with her abuser. Her kind heart led her into an abusive relationship with a psychotic addict living on the street.

Managing Stress

Tara's Domestic Violence Story - "I want to tell my domestic violence story for other people who may be near my age and in the same situation I was in. My name's Tara which means star. I am a survivor of domestic violence at the age of 18."

For a comprehensive course on Domestic Violence and Abuse and its impact on children, we recommend the following online course provided by the Virtual College:

Awareness of Domestic Violence and Abuse Online Course

In another of Lundy Bancroft fantastic books, The Batterer as Parent takes the reader inside of homes affected by domestic violence, imparting an understanding of the atmosphere that battering men create for the children who live with them. It show how partner abuse affects each relationship in a family, and explains how children’s emotional recovery is inextricably linked to the healing and empowerment of their mothers. Also cover the important but often-overlooked area of the post-separation parenting behaviours of men who batter, including their use of custody litigation as a tool of abuse:

To order in the US: The Batterer as Parent: Addressing the Impact of Domestic Violence on Family Dynamics (Sage Series on Violence Against Women)

To order in the UK: The Batterer as Parent: Addressing the Impact of Domestic Violence on Family Dynamics (SAGE Series on Violence against Women)


The long-awaited book from our very own Steve from the Hidden Hurt Message Forum as finally arrived!


Have you ever gone out with someone who seemed perfect at first, but ended up being a nightmare? Do you find yourself falling in love but ending up feeling disrespected and used? Would you like to make sure that something like that never happens to you (or someone you care about) again? If so, this book is written for you. There are lots of books about how to tell if you're in an abusive relationship. This is book will keep you from getting into one in the first place. Jerk Radar will help you see how a Jerk takes advantage of common cultural expectations and romantic myths to blind you to his true intentions. It will give you concrete ways to test out his intentions in the course of a normal conversation. And the Jerk Radar Quiz provides an effective tool to screen every partner for Jerky tendencies well before obviously selfish behavior emerges. Full of true stories from abuse survivors, Jerk Radar pulls no punches in exposing what Jerks do and why we fall for it. This is a useful, down-to-earth, practical guide to avoiding a bad relationship instead of recovering from one. Read it today - it just may change your life!

To order in the US: Jerk Radar: How to Stop an Abusive Relationship Before It Starts

To order in the UK:Jerk Radar: How to Stop an Abusive Relationship Before It Starts

Steve McCrea, MS, has worked for over 20 years with survivors of domestic abuse and their children. He has participated in many local collaboartive projects on domestic abuse, and has provided community trainings on working effectively with domestic abuse survivors. He currently works as an advocate for children in the foster care system. He has volunteered for the past 9 years as facilitator for an on-line abuse survivor community, whose members contributed most of the stories in the book.


In this supportive and straightforward guide, Lundy Bancroft (Why Does He Do That?) and JAC Patrissi offer a way for women to practically take stock of their relationships and move forward with or without their partners. Women involved in chronically frustrating or unfulfilling relationships will learn to: · Tell the difference between a healthy-yet-difficult relationship and one that is really not working · Recognise the signs that their partner has a serious problem · Stop waiting to see what happens and make their own growth the top priority · Prepare for life without their partner even as they keep trying to make the relationship work:

To order in the US: Should I Stay or Should I Go?: A Guide to Knowing if Your Relationship Can--and Should--be Saved

To order in the UK: Should I Stay or Should I Go?: A Guide to Sorting Out Whether Your Relationship Can-and Should-Be Saved

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Domestic Violence Stories

Domestic Violence Poetry
Domestic Violence Poetry 1
Domestic Violence Poetry 2
Domestic Violence Poetry 3

Recommended Reading:

Life after getting out of an abusive relationship often continues to be a struggle, and It's My Life Now offers guidance to overcoming common pitfalls, blending worksheets with insights on self exploration and ongoing growth. From handling feels of loss and guilt to overcoming feelings associated with having loved an abuser, this book continues to offer invaluable lessons and be a real source of help and strength:

To order in the US: It's My Life Now: Starting Over After an Abusive Relationship or Domestic Violence, 2nd Edition

To order in the UK: It's My Life Now

Many people suffer verbal and emotional abuse in secret for years, not really understanding what is happening or why they feel so rotten. Nor do they realize how easily such seemingly mild forms of abuse can be the precursor to physical violence. This book by Patricia Evans helps the victim understand how to recognize abuse, validates the victim's perception of what is happening and offers solid suggestions as to what to do to control abuse and to protect oneself :

To order in the US: The Verbally Abusive Relationship: How to recognize it and how to respond

To order in the UK: The Verbally Abusive Relationship, Expanded Third Edition

Have you got a story to tell?
Please do send it to us at contact@hiddenhurt.co.uk

Please also note that unless otherwise specified, any poem, story or other writing for publication on Hidden Hurt may also be reproduced in Kindle e-book format or hard copy at some stage. Unless you specifically specify otherwise, copyright will be assumed by Hidden Hurt.



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UK National Domestic Violence Freephone number 0808 2000 247

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