Christine's Domestic Violence StoryIn Christine's domestic violence story, she goes back to her abuser after he spends some time in prison, then finally leaves only to find repeat victimisation in another abusive relationship. This is her story: My name is Christine, I don't mind my real name being used, as I have nothing to hide or be ashamed of. I met my first partner in 1984. He seemed a nice easy going polite man, until due to my circumstances, I moved in with him about a month later, I began to see and feel the other side of him. He found a letter to another man whilst rummaging through my things, this letter was an old letter that I'd never got round to posting, just a friendly letter that is all, that got me my first slap, because he loved me and was jealous, and of course he was sorry. After that the beatings came thick and fast, for whatever reason entered his head, and the sexual abuse came with it: walking sticks, pens and other items put into me because I deserved it and I couldn't get him done for rape. He was charged and found guilty in 1986 of G.B.H (grievous bodily harm) with intent after breaking my jaw and giving me numerous other injuries including a bruise on my vagina that was 10 cm long. He did a year in prison and was released on good behaviour, I went back to him thinking this would change him; it never did, so after seven years in total I finally left him. By this time I had two sons by him I think they gave me some strength to leave for good. A year or so later I met my next partner, who again seemed nice and understanding, I told him about my ex, which to him must have been a ticket to do the same, so again I had another seven years of physical and mental abuse, more mental than anything. The final straw with him came when he broke my nose whilst I was feeding our baby son. Enough was enough and I left again, took my children and moved to the other side of the country. I have a new partner whom I have been with for coming up to eight years; he has and never will lay a hand on me or turn on the mental abuse. It never was my fault and I'm not ashamed of what happened to me which was a lot more than I have written here, it has made me who I am today, and believe it or not I am proud of myself for being able to sit here and write this, and if my story can be a help to others it will not have been for nothing. Return from Christine's Domestic Violence Story to Domestic Violence Stories
In This Section:Domestic Violence Stories Related Pages:Domestic Violence Poetry Recommended Reading:Hear the voices of other women who
have lived through and escaped from domestic abuse. This
collection of personal survival stories help us understand the struggles,
the pain and ultimately, the courage of victims who are determined
to be survivors.
To order in the US: Surviving Domestic Violence: Voices of Women Who Broke Free To order in the UK: Surviving Domestic Violence: Voices of Women Who Broke Free |
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